2226 visits© 2003-2016 Herbert Pötzllast modified 10.Jun.2012

Jewelry Making


Odd ones

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Alien on meteorite

Um. A Roswell alien sitting on a piece of Campo del Cielo meteorite and holding a piece of opal in its hand.
Maybe he is phoning home.

Alien on boulder opal

Another alien, this one meditating on a piece of boulder opal. He has a piece of opal in his hand, too.

Loch Ness monster underwater

Nessie underwater - the piece of quartz has inclusions that look just like underwater flora.

Loch Ness monster larimar set

Well, if they are calling larimar the Atlantis stone, it makes at least as much sense to have a Loch Ness monster playing with it. The two baby Nessies carry the earrings...

Baby dinosaur

A baby dinosaur walking across a piece of fossilized dino eggshell.

Feathered serpent

This Quetzalcoatl here is curled around a piece of Bismuth. Yes, I know this crystal is artificual. I like its colour nevertheless.