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A controller for thermal domestic hot water preparation

The System

SolarControl is a unit which controls the pump of a solar hot water preparation system. With the use of some additional temperature sensors and a flow sensor the produced energy can be measured. A realtime-clock provides the possibility to generate energy-statistics and timing profiles.
Schema: The key-features of the controller are:
  • 4x PT100 temperature sensors
    (flow, return, collector, tank)
  • flow impuls input
    (for energy calculation)
  • LC-Display with 6 keys
  • 2x output for 230V AC pumps
    (with speedcontrol)
  • realtime-clock
  • RS232 interface with VT100 shell

As one can see in the schema there are 4 temperature sensors and one volume measuring unit. The sensor T1 and T4 are necessary for controlling the pump, the sensors T2 and T3 are used, in conjunction with the volume measuring unit, to calculate the produced energy.

Block diagram


schematic sheet 1 of 1


PCB Bottom

Some Pictures

The controller in it's case

The case opened

© 2006-2008 by Dieter Etz last Update: 14.03.2008