util-vserver-sysv-0.30.208-3mdkP>@ ,0d93d11c5149a7c9efb07143c174565f9b5bcda80{诙F%ю$>> ? d " ?  $V\a]    \ `p<2(\)b*+,-89:> q? y@ D F G H I X Y \ ] ^ 6b _d e f k l Cutil-vserver-sysv0.30.2083mdkSysV-initscripts for vserverutil-vserver provides the components and a framework to setup virtual servers. A virtual server runs inside a linux server. It is nevertheless highly independent. As such, you can run various services with normal configuration. The various vservers can't interact with each other and can't interact with services in the main server. This package contains the SysV initscripts which start and stop VServers and related tools.C/::vstest.13thfloor.atGPLSystem Environment/Basehttp://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/util-vserver/linuxi586/sbin/chkconfig --add vservers-default /sbin/chkconfig --add vprocunhidetest "$1" != 0 || /etc/rc.d/init.d/vprocunhide stop &>/dev/null || : test "$1" != 0 || /sbin/chkconfig --del vprocunhide test "$1" != 0 || /sbin/chkconfig --del vservers-defaulttest "$1" = 0 || /etc/rc.d/init.d/vprocunhide condrestart >/dev/null || :aC/9?C/9?C/9:C/9:a396e431d2ba258f268ed96239ea9d0833ee6e489519f5ca171c9ff803401133484a64e45abdd2142c4121fe9bfdcc46af4436d1a09d35d27959615b6264bd93rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootutil-vserver-0.30.208-3mdk.src.rpminit(util-vserver)util-vserver-sysv@@@@@@@ @@JJ@makediffutilsinitscriptsutil-vserver/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/chkconfig/etc/rc.d/init.d/usr/lib/util-vserver/etc/rc.d/init.d/usr/lib/util-vserver/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)bash0.30.208-3mdk4.0-13.0.4-14.0.3for i in httpd named portmap sendmail smb sshd xinetd gated; do /sbin/chkconfig --del v_$i || : doneutil-vserver-sysv0.30.198Bu BBB ӠAj @U~@I ?zHerbert Ptzl - 0:0.30.207-1mdkEnrico Scholz - 0:0.30.205-0Herbert Ptzl - 0:0.30.203-1mdkEnrico Scholz - 0:0.30.198-0.3Enrico Scholz - 0:0.29.202-0Enrico Scholz - 0:0.29.198-0Enrico Scholz - 0:0.23.5-0- updated to latest alpha release- added some %descriptions - copy GPG keys from the system into the confdir - buildrequire dietlibc-0.25 - BuildRequire beecrypt-devel - cleanups - removed 'run.rev' as a vserver-local variable and made it a system-wide setting- updated to latest alpha release- updated BuildRequires: - use 'setattr --barrier' instead of 'chattr +t' in the %post scriptlet - moved the v_* initscripts to legacy - do not ship the /vservers directory itself; as it is immutable, the extraction will fail else- use file-list for sysv scripts also- added vprocunhide-service support - added doxygen support - updated Requires:- Initial build./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shvstest.13thfloor.at 1127168570::::}~@@0.30.208-3mdkvprocunhidevservers-defaultvserver-wrappervsysvwrapper/etc/rc.d/init.d//usr/lib/util-vserver/-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -march=i586 -ffast-math -fno-strength-reducecpiogzip9i586i586-mandrake-linux-gnu? XmsHW+:@&͉cdxq̭)I\BYN#avH H3=L7~ϻƾ-L>i[Nȷ7ojmgXYl#K1,(6{QzYq>3,,yfl08$f :1HV˽ᗇja[u +a+d)N`>å|-HiPN}S߸3Ƈz"g$^-%x-Hke 5#)E[ ,7rbpoC^p_Ħ  i<;ux6YJYܿu_ԩ7ݒe_x=.oϬ ާpZc&^*eOF!j0D!Jˡux 9{ #IpI[逈WDH}\Nky2(B7JGNfH B52](\{%EGhpyܷ!"%,v[eoͩc/! :|X"K2^q?|vmkfH ze@puӒIAdJ z*UpC›fuᖺv)}%8V#HQ,Cn#Vѕz/Ua?" Y^"&;:b' x` ?9OQMa I#̄3:ݣ A{#n0F~|Յ|9FJ9:7fQhR9q"Aˮ EڤRa1&8 , > FbTx2rE2T8P̰TkeSA3UXCnF1i2xUy099N7{Ntwق)I|zK }&_x0c8>7ghj}`$p#WHGtI/"5 Ce1 Ԗ8 @F1;tg]PDŽ#Ua[z<aۍ*|@'ҳ^fl70tqM| DRvbU$>e6f')1̔רg2c7 k= ת=GnꖛÈId7?Xj ! "z0V<=YiյI )(;j;r' Q.<ME)N[._ ~Ѥg<,FZP./ڸ_dE"YjG'ß!%wjf/|9m~faj|fV:W